SchoolMessenger is a web-based mass communication tool used by the Pine Creek School Division. The system enables each of the division's schools to send notifications to parents/guardians via phone, email and text message. Notifications may include important messages, newsletters, permission slips or urgent alerts. Recipient contact information is provided through annual student registration forms. If you are unsure the school has all your correct information or if changes need to be made during the school year, please contact your school office.
Schools choose which way they would like their message/notifications to be sent out, whether it be by phone, email, and/or SMS text.
When a voice message is sent by your school, the phones on the list will begin ringing within mere moments. Be prepared to answer the phone and say, “Hello” – this will tell the SchoolMessenger system that it has a real person on the phone. You will hear a brief introduction message asking you to “Press 1 to listen.” It will also give you the option to “press #” to place the call on hold while the appropriate recipient is located. If the phone doesn't get answered and voicemail is available, a message will be left or the call will be reported as unanswered.
Getting an email through SchoolMessenger is exactly like any other email. If you do not see it in your inbox check to see if your email provider marked it as “junk” – especially if this is the first time you've ever received an email through the SchoolMessenger system. If you would prefer to not receive notifications through your email, you are able to unsubscribe and no further notifications will be sent to you.
SMS Text
The system is configured to send text messages to cell phone numbers through SchoolMessenger to those that have opted in. These messages will always appear to be coming from “978338”, while the messages look just like any other text message.
Individuals will receive text messages ONLY if the following requirements are met:
- A cell phone number is on file with your school office
- An opt-in message will be automatically sent to you if your number is new to the school office (new student, phone number changed, etc.)
The Opt-In text message will read: “Pine Creek School Division messages. Reply Y to confirm, HELP 4 info. Msg&date rate may apply. Msg freq varies.”
- If opt-in message was missed, text “Y” to 978338 from your wireless device you wish to receive texts from, this can be done at any time.
How do recipients opt out of receiving text messages?
- Don't reply to the opt-in invitation message.
- Text “STOP” to 978338 at any time.
- Request that your school office adds your cell number to the division's phone number block list.